Browsing by Subject "natural language"

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  • PENTIUC, Stefan-Gheorghe; BILIUS, Laura-Bianca (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2021)
    The System for biannual teachers’ evaluation made by students, acquires a large amount of information that becomes difficult to be analyzed by a manager. It is true that delivers a final score, but it is calculated ...
  • CREŢU, S.; POPESCU, A. (Tehnica UTM, 2013)
    Prezentul studiu vizează elaborarea unor tehnici de determinare a sensului (Sinn) unei propoziţii scrise sau rostite în limbaj natural, reieşind din semnificaţia (Meaning, Bedeutung) unităţilor lexicale fixate de un vocabular ...
  • ADOUANE, Wafia; SEMMAR, Nasredine; JOHANSSON, Richard; BOBICEV, Victoria (The COLING 2016 Organizing Committee, 2016)
    Automatic Language Identification (ALI) is the detection of the natural language of an input text by a machine. It is the first necessary step to do any language-dependent natural language processing task. Various methods ...
  • DONOS, Daniela (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2023)
    Teza de master are ca scop cercetarea domeniului PLN și în special generarea limbajului natural, iar ulterior dezvoltarea sistemului generator de texte cu utilizarea IA. Scopul dat poate fi atins prin intermediul următoarelor ...
  • PRISEAJNIUC, Serghei (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2024)
    Данная работа предпринимает глубокое исследование и тщательный анализ сложного взаимодействия между характеристиками контента и результатами генерации текста с использованием передовой языковой модели GPT. В быстро ...
  • POPESCU, Anatol; CREŢU, Sergiu (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    This study represents a research concerning the principles and methods of elaboration of an interface in natural language (NL) for informational systems. When we say interpretation of texts in a NL, we mean the process of ...
  • POPESCU, Anatol; MAXIM, Victoria (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    A natural language search engine would in theory find targeted answers to user questions (as opposed to keyword search). For example, when confronted with a question of the form 'which U.S. state has the highest income ...
  • IGNATIEVA, Maria; CHIZHAKOVSKY, Valentine; POPESCU, Anatol; PIOTROWSKI, Rajmund (Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, 1994)
    Over the last thirty years the long range goal of the research project of the Speech Statistics (Sp.St.) international group is to develop and implement in computer simulation psycholinguistically realistic model of language ...
  • CREŢU, S.; POPESCU, A. (Technical University of Moldova, 2013)
    This study aims to develop techniques for determining the meaning (Sinn) of a sentence written or spoken in natural language, based on meaning (Meaning, Bedeutung) of lexical units fixed by a vocabulary (elaborated ad-hoc) ...
  • SIDORENCO, Anastasia (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    Scopul principal al acestei lucrări este de a efectua un studiu al domeniului selectat a tehnologiei informației - analiza sentimentului textului. Pentru atingerea acestui scop, au fost implementate o serie de sarcini, ...
  • CARCEA, Liviu; VATAMANIUC, Dumitru; VELICU, Cristina; VATAMANIUC, Aurel (Technical University of Moldova, 2005)
    The semantics of a text depends less on the meaning of a word in particularly and more on their combinations. In the natural language the abstraction of the syntactic forms has evolved so much that the same meaning can be ...
  • BOBICEV, V.; SOKOLOVA, M. (Technical University of Moldova, 2015)
    This paper presents several experiments in the domain of automate text sentiment analysis. Comparison between machine learning (ML) and rule-based algorithms demonstrated that well-tuned rule-based methods obtain better ...

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