Browsing by Subject "greenhouses"

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  • ŢÎCU, Marcel (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2019)
    Obiectivul dominant este determinarea calității și inofensivității tomatelor crescute în sere în ciclul 2. Pentru realizarea scopului propus au fost trasate următoarele obiective: 1. Determinarea indicilor fizico-chimici ...
  • GUŢU, Aurel; GUŢU-CHETRUŞCA, Corina (Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2018)
    Feasibility studies cogeneration unites installed in a greenhouses have shown the high efficiency of cogeneration compared to boiler installations. The cost of heat is reduced up to 1.5 times. A considerable fuel economy ...
  • CONOVALI, Vladimir (Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2007)
    The new technologies of vegetable production encourage using seedling trays. After seedlings growing period, the trays are not used. We try to find the crops which would accommodate to this growing system. The radish is ...
  • SHTIRBU, Andrii; SALIVON, Oleksandr (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2023)
    The main grape cultivation agricultural technology in protected ground in Polissya is set out. It is established that in unheated greenhouses, agro-climatic indicators change to levels sufficient for normal growth, development ...
  • COJUHARI, Irina; IZVOREANU, Bartolomeu; MORARU, Dumitru; SPEIAN, Aurel; ROMANOV, Alexei (IEEE, 2012)
    This paper proposes to control the temperature regime in the greenhouse using the universal controller OWEN TPM 151. The tuning controller was performed using the maximal stability degree method. As a result of this study, ...
  • BODALE, Ilie; FILIPOV, Feodor (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2023)
    Growing vegetable in greenhouses presents some advantages such as obtaining the earlier harvest, extending the vegetation period of the plants, ensuring the protection of the plants against some natural risk (hail, mist, ...
  • DOROGAN, V.; ZAPOROJAN, S.; VIERU, T.; SECRIERU, V.; VIERU, S.; MUNTEANU, E. (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2015)
    The system consists of optical modules with light-emitting diodes with different wavelengths of the light emitted and the programmable electronic control unit based on a microcontroller. The system allows changing the ...
  • BOSTAN, Ion; GUŢU, Aurel; GUŢU-CHETRUŞCA, Corina (IEEE, 2019)
    The photovoltaic greenhouses that emerged at the beginning of the century as a way of arable land preservation through the concordance between electricity generation and crop growth have shown a number of advantages for ...
  • BOSTAN, Ion; GUŢU, Aurel; SECRIERU, Vitalie; CHIRICA, Vladislav (Agenţia de Stat pentru Proprietatea Intelectuală a Republicii Moldova (AGEPI), 2019)
    Scopul acestui proiect este de a efectua transferul tehnologic de la nivelul cercetare teoretică la nivel de dezvoltare în condiţiile reale a unui parc fotovoltaic cu o capacitate de 200 kW, amplasat în satul Speia, raionul ...
  • DOROGAN, Valerian; ZAPOROJAN, Sergiu; VIERU, Tatiana; SECRIERU, Vitalie; VIERU, Stanislav; MUNTEANU, Eugen (Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca, 2015)
    Sistemul constă din module optice cu diode luminescente cu diferite lungimi de undă a luminii emise și bloc electronic de control programabil bazat pe un microcontroler. Sistemul permite schimbarea intensităţii și compoziției ...
  • КЕПКО, О. И. (Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2006)
    The attention is paid to the importance of the energy-saving problem in Ukraine agriculture, especially in greenhouse facilities. For energy losses reduction the closed system of heating and greenhouses ventilation (CSHV) ...

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