Browsing by Author "PADGURSKAS, J."

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  • AGAFII, V. I.; PADGURSKAS, J.; MIHAILOV, V. V.; ANDRIUSIS, A.; KREIVAITIS, R.; KAZAK, N. (Institutul de Fizică Aplicată, AȘM, 2016)
    It is shown that all materials used for the electrospark doping of the OT4 titanium alloy improved the wear resistance of the titanium alloy from 5.03·105 to 1·106 times (at a load of 900 N), and from 2.67·105 to 6.24·106 ...
  • AGAFII, V.; PADGURSKAS, J.; MIHAILOV, V.; ANDRIUSIS, A.; KREIVAITIS, R.; KAZAK, N. (Institutul de Fizică Aplicată, 2016)
    The aim of this work was to obtain hard coatings on certain materials and the implementation of longer tests on friction and wear of these coatings.

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