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  • CIOBANU, V.; PLESCO, I.; BRANISTE, T.; CECCONE, G.; COLPO, P.; TIGINYANU, I. M. (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2021)
    In this paper we demonstrate the fabrication of a SERS detector based on GaN ultrathin membrane. The GaN membranes are elaborated by the so-called Surface Charge Lithography approach. The obtained membranes are functionalized ...
  • TIGINYANU, Ion (Academica Greifswald, 2017)
    GaN and ZnO are wide band gap semiconductor compounds with unique properties favourable for the development of short-wavelength light emitting devices and high-power electronics. From the point of view of applications, ...
  • CIOBANU, V. (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    In this paper we demonstrate the fabrication of electronic devices based on GaN nanostructures. For fabrication of 2D and 3D GaN nanostructures, Surface Charge Lithography (SCL) and Hydride Vapor Phase Epitaxy (HVPE) ...
  • POPA, V.; TIGINYANU, I. M.; URSAKI, V. V.; VOLCIUS, O.; MORKOÇ, H. (IOP Publishing, 2006)
    We demonstrate that photoelectrochemical (PEC) etching of GaN layers in KOH or H3PO4 solutions leads to the formation of specific surface morphologies which cause the material to exhibit different sensitivities to certain ...
  • ALBU, Sergiu; MONAICO, Eduard; TIGINYANU, I. M.; URSAKI, V. V. (Institutul de Fizică Aplicată, AŞM, 2006)
    The interest in nanometer-scale materials and devices stimulated the development of alternative technologies in recent years. Metal nanowires are one of the most attractive materials because of their unique properties ...
  • PYSHKIN, Sergei L.; BALLATO, John M. (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    A unique set of GaP semiconductor samples studied for over 50 years has exhibited significant improvement in their properties through the formation of the perfect host crystal lattice and the N‐impurity crystal superlattice. ...
  • BUSUIOC, Mariana (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2019)
    Obiectivele cercetării consistă în aprecierea tendințelor de dezvoltare a sectorului de microfinanțare din Republicii Moldova, fundamentarea direcțiilor de bază privind implementării mecanismelor financiare de gestionare ...
  • GHIMPU, Lidia (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2020)
    This invention relates to the manufacture of gas and pressure sensors based on thin oxide layers. The oxide thin layers were obtained by the RF magnetron sputtering method. Carbon substrates and fiber optics were used in ...
  • TSIULYANU, D.; MARIAN, S.; MOCREAC, O. (Institutul de Fizică Aplicată al AŞM, 2012)
    In this paper, the change of work function ( Δφ ) of the tellurium thin films was studied in response to different concentrations of nitrogen dioxide, carbon oxide, ozone and water vapor using a KP with a gold grid reference ...
  • TSIULYANU, D.; MARIAN, S.; MOCREAC, O. (Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 2012)
    The sensing behavior of tellurium films at room temperature was tested with environmental pollutant gases, such as NO2, CO, O3, and water vapor, using the Kelvin probe technique. A significant sensitivity was observed for ...
  • TSIULYANU, Dumitru; MOCREAC, Olga; AFANASIEV, Andrei; MONAICO, Eduard (Technical University of Moldova, 2022)
    Flexible films based on novel Te-SnO2 nanocomposites were fabricated for detection of toxic gases at room temperature. The Te-SnO2 nanocomposites were obtained via solvohermal recrystallization of pure crystalline tellurium ...
  • CREȚU, Vasilii; TROFIM, Viorel; SONTEA, Victor; LUPAN, Oleg (Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi" of Iași, 2018)
    Invenția se referă la tehnica semiconductorilor oxizi, in particular la senzori de gaze pe bază de oxid de molibden.Senzorul de gaze pe bază de MoO3 include un substrat dielectric, pe una din suprafețele căruia este amplasat ...
  • CRETU, V.; POSTICA, V.; ABABII, N.; TROFIM, V.; RAILEAN, S.; LUPAN, O. (Technical University of Moldova, 2016)
    Molybdenum trioxide (MoO3) due to its unique physical and chemical properties is one of the most attractive candidates for different promising technological applications]. (MoO3 has a unique morphology that resembles a ...
  • GHIMPU, Lidia; PLESCO, Irina; URSACHI, Veaceslav; TIGINYANU, Ion; ZARRELLI, Mauro; ZOTTI, Aldobeneddetto; BORRIELLO, Anna (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    The paper is divided into two main sections: first, we report on magnetron sputtering of zinc oxide and titanium dioxide; second, the results of the investigation of the morphology and sensing characteristics of the optical ...
    An installation for the gas sensors research has been made. The installation is connected to the computer by AT90S8535 microprocesor. The device allows obtaining the following dependences simultaneously: sensibility ...
  • TSIULYANU, Dumitru (Beilstein Institute for the Advancement of Chemical Sciences (Germany), 2020)
    Nanocrystalline and amorphous nanostructured tellurium (Te) thin films were grown and their gas-sensing properties were investigated at different operating temperatures with respect to scanning electron microscopy and X-ray ...
  • CAPITAN, Olga (Institutul de Energetică al Academiei de Științe a Moldovei, 2016)
    In this paper, there has been determined the regional biogas and syngas potential and the electric power that could be installed. As raw materials, applicable in this field, was considered animal waste, industrial waste, ...
  • STEȚENCO, Iuliana (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    Gaslighting is a manipulative technique used to make someone question their perception of reality. The name of “gaslighting” comes from the title of British playwright Patrick Hamilton's play „Gas Light” and people who use ...
  • ŢAPOC, Vasile (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    Gaston Bachelard (1884-1962) este istoric al ştiinţei, epistemolog şi filosof francez de la naşterea căruia se împlinesc anul acesta 125 de ani, prilej pentru a reactualiza viziunea sa asupra evoluţiei spiritului ştiinţific ...
  • MIRONOV, B.; MIRONOVA, M. (Technical University of Moldova, 2005)
    In practical experimental production both application of digital chips and other electronic circuits, it happens it is necessary to make their selection and classification on temporary parameters. The application of usual ...

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