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  • SIMION, Simion Dănuţ; EFODE, Igor (Tehnica UTM, 2021)
    Even if communication is not a one-way process, its often happens that the transmission from the transmitter to the receiver remains only at the level of one and more less than plural. The organizational communication is ...
  • CAZAC, Viorica (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2023)
    Una din podoabele de cap cu multiple semnificații este cununa. Ea poartă atât conotații estetice, cât și simbolice, apotropaice, religioase, magice, fiind implicată frecvent în diverse tradiții la diferite etape ale vieții ...
  • HOPPE, Mathias; ABABII, Nicolai; POSTICA, Vasile; LUPAN, Oleg; POLONSKYI, Oleksandr; SCHÜTT, Fabian; KAPS, Sören; SUKHODUB, Leonid F.; SONTEA, Victor; STRUNSKUS, Thomas; FAUPEL, Franz; ADELUNG, Rainer (ELSEVIER, 2018)
    In this work, a simple and cost-effective method to synthesize a multilayered (CuO-Cu2O)/ZnO:Al nanostructured film forming non-planar heterojunctions for efficient detection of volatile organic compound vapors is presented.
  • LITRA, Dinu; LUPAN, Cristian; ZADOROJNEAC, Tudor; CHIRIAC, Maxim; DEPRI, Nadine; LUPAN, Oleg; ADELUNG, Rainer; SIEBERT, Leonard (Technical University of Moldova, 2022)
    In this paper, we report on the gas sensing properties of mixed oxide Zn-Cu nanostructures obtained by self-organized chemical deposition are presented. The nanosensors are made from individual ZnO whiskers and are coated ...
  • LITRA, Dinu; LUPAN, Cristian; ZADOROJNEAC, Tudor; CHIRIAC, Maxim; DEPRI, Nadine; LUPAN, Oleg; ADELUNG, Rainer; SIEBERT, Leonard (Technical University of Moldova, 2022)
    In this paper, we report on the gas sensing properties of mixed oxide Zn-Cu nanostructures obtained by selforganized chemical deposition are presented. The nanosensors are made from individual ZnO whiskers and are coated ...
  • CRETU, Vasilii; ABABII, Nicolai; CHISTRUGA, Alexandru; MAGARIU, Nicolae; POSTICA, Vasile; LUPAN, Oleg (IEEE, 2019)
    The CuO/Cu 2 O nanostructured films were synthesized via a simple chemical solution based method (SCS). The morphological properties were investigated using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The elaborated sensors based ...
  • ANDREI, Valentin; BACOTA, Tatiana; POPESCU, Aurica (Tehnica UTM, 2018)
    În această lucrare s-au investigat curbele înrudite cu cicloida : Epicicloida, Hipocicloida și Cardioida. Se investighează și proprietățile curbelor, cum ar fi: ecuațiile parametrice, aria și lungimea lor. Epicicloidele, ...
  • VASILOS, Vasile (Tehnica UTM, 2011)
    Drept natural – teorie despre un drept ideal, independent de stat, drept care ar decurge din raţiunea şi ―natura‖ umană. Teoria dreptului natural din secolele XVII – XVIII a avut un caracter progresist, ea exprima ...
  • VÎRLAN, V. (Tehnica UTM, 2018)
    Curgerea fluidului (apă uzată - aer), în bazinele de epurare biologică a apelor uzate, este deosebit de importantă pentru multe aplicaţii în domeniul tehnic. Prezentul articol analizează acest domeniu atât prin cercetări ...
  • PETCU, Igor; BALAN, Ion; DEMCENCO, Boris; OSADCI, Natalia; ROŞCA, Feodora; GRAMOVICI, Ana (Technical University of Moldova, 2023)
    Extending the life of laying hens seems to be the most relevant and logical approach to more efficient use of resources in industrial poultry farming. To achieve this goal, a multifactorial approach is required and, first ...
  • LUCHIAN, Ivan; FILIP, Angela (Technical University of Moldova, 2022)
    Currently, the Republic of Moldova is in an economic crisis, which is a result of compounding the effects of the pandemic crisis triggered in 2020; the energy crisis manifested starting in 2021, and the regional impact of ...
  • OBERST, Ala (Tehnica UTM, 2018)
    Food defence is a relatively new trend that broadens the visions of food safety and is based on a specific methodology for determination of risk exposure. The author presents in this paper a detailed procedure that may be ...
  • JENARU, Andreea (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2020)
    A correct forecast of the necessary personnel is required to be permanently correlated with the foreseeable changes of the environment - the conditions of the market, of the economy, of the competition, of the technology ...
  • STAMOV, I. G.; SYRBU, N. N.; DOROGAN, A. V.; NEMERENCO, L. L. (Elservier, 2008)
    In this work, there are studied the photodetectors’ properties (photocurrent sign inverter) of a linear polarized radiation realized on the basis of anisotropic semiconductors. The photocurrent sign guiding is made by the ...
  • LICA, Teodora-Valentina (Technical University of Moldova, 2022)
    This paper presents different methods of measuring performance, including the traditional method, investor indicators, the ”balanced scorecard” method, the non-financial indicators method, the performance method, the stock ...
  • MARUSIC, Galina; CIUFUDEAN, Calin (Transilvania University of Brasov, 2013)
    This paper presents a bibliography analysis on water quality of the River Prut. It deals with the concept of "water quality" in various aspects of water use. We discuss the need of developing mathematical models for ...
  • BUZDUGAN, Artur (International Atomic Energy Agency, 2007)
    The paper gives a brief overview of the Moldovan regulatory framework and the authority implementing it, as well the main principles guiding the authorization process. The interaction of the regulatory body with scientific ...
  • TSIULYANU, D. I.; TRIDUCH, G. M. (WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, 1991)
    The formation of a Schottky-Mott barrier at the interface of metals with chalcogenide glasses (ChG) is studied several papers. Many parameters of these barriers and the physical factors responsible for their formation ...
  • NGAIKOSSET, J. (Technical University of Moldova, 2023)
    The purpose of this study was therefore to identify factors influencing the choice of agriculture to study by undergraduate agriculture students at an Open and Distance Learning University in South Africa. An interlocked ...

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