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  • PERJU, Veacheslav L.; PERJU, Veacheslav V.; TSIBERNEAC, Stanislav K.; SARANCIUC, Donan I. (International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE), 1998)
    The problems of investigation and calculations results reliability (CRR) evaluation in holographic computing systems are considered. The analysis of the existing approaches to estimation of CRR has been overtaken. A new ...
  • LUPAN, Cristian; BÎRNAZ, Adrian; BUZDUGAN, Artur; ZIMOCH, Lukas; ADELUNG, Rainer; LUPAN, Oleg (Technical University of Moldova, 2022)
    In this work it was investigated the reliability to ionizing radiation of Eu-doped ZnO nanostructured films functionalized with Pd. Morphological, sensorial and electrical properties of sensors were studied initially, after ...
    Since the discovery of its superconductivity (J. Nagamatsu, N. Nakagawa, T. Muranka, et al., 2001, Nature, 410, 63), MgB2 attracts considerable attention. A number of groups have intensively tried to fabricate high-quality ...
  • DUAH, Ebenezer (Technical University of Moldova, 2023)
    The development of vaccines to combat the COVID-19 pandemic brought a huge relief to governments, health workers, and citizens around the globe. However, some citizens are not willing to get vaccinated. Some researchers ...
  • DULGHERU, Valeriu (Tehnical University of Moldova, 2013)
  • MARIN, Alexandru (Academia de Științe a Moldovei, 2017)
    Anatol Eremia este bine cunoscut în lingvistica românească: profesor cercetător, coordonator de proiecte științifice la Institutul de Filologie al AȘM. A editat peste 500 de lucrări în teoria și practica lingvisticii ...
  • TSIULYANU, D. I.; MARIAN, S. I. (IEEE, 1995)
    Exponential absorption edge of chalcogenide glassy alloys with sulfur content in the region of the topological transition is studied. It is shown that the slope of the tail (1//spl Delta/) depends on the mean coordination ...
  • MAŢENCU, D.; MACARI, V.; ROTARI, A.; DIDORUC, S. (Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2021)
    În toate cercetările s-a stabilit, că atât iepuroaicele, cât şi progeniturile acestora au tolerat bine remediul testat atât la nivel local (iepuroaice), cât şi la nivel de întreg organism. Indicatorii clinico - hematologici ...
  • CERCAŞIN, Marina (Tehnica UTM, 2013)
    Soluţiile fashion anticipează, ca regulă, manifestările timpului. Dar, ca un paradox, de cele mai dese ori, sursele de inspiraţie pentru colecţiile actuale se regăsesc în trecut, în istoria costumului, din care, câte un ...
  • MACARIE, Constantin (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    Despre Miorița s-au scris râuri de cerneală și se vor mai scrie. Se pare că fiecare generație privește Miorița în felul ei, adăugând noi și noi interpretări, crescându-i astfel farmecul, interesul. Dar fără a se desprinde ...
  • MACARIE, Constantin (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
  • CIOLAC, D. (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is one of the most frequent immune-mediated disorders of the central nervous system. Pathological events occurring within the white matter and gray matter compartments can be reliably tracked in ...
  • BOSTAN, Viorel; BOSTAN, Ion; SECRIERU, Nicolae; CANDRAMAN, Sergiu; LEVINET, Nicolae; ILCO, Valentin; GIRSCAN, Andrian; MARGARINT, Andrei (Universitatea de Stat „Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu”, Cahul, 2018)
    This paper reflects the development results of the irrigation processes automating platform for the plantations, which can be very user-friendly to optimize these processes and minimize irrigation costs and therefore serves ...
  • SECRIERU, Nicolae; LEVINEŢ, Nicolae; CANDRAMAN, Sergiu; ILCO, Valentin; GIRSCAN, Adrian; MARGARINT, Andrei (Technical University of Moldova, 2017)
    This paper reflects the development results of the irrigation processes automating platform for the plantations, which can be very user-friendly to optimize these processes and minimize irrigation costs and therefore serves ...
  • VÎRLAN, Petru; TODOS, Petru; ADĂSCĂLIȚEI, Adrian (Universitatea Liberă Internaţională din Moldova, 2017)
    This paper presents a way of creating a laboratory work on controlling a remote servomotor. Using LabView, a real experiment is performed, the equipment being remotely controlled, and viewing with a camcorder. The purpose ...
  • SHEHU, Anas; ALIYU KANGIWA, Hadiza; SANI, Abubakar (Technical University of Moldova, 2022)
    Nowadays, national security issues are increasing day by day in most countries. A multitude of measures to reduce the challenges have been presented and even implemented by many authors, but without exhaustive results. The ...
  • TSYNTSARU, N. (Tehnica UTM, 2015)
    Aluminum as other valve metals possesses an important feature: it can form on the surface a porous structure –aluminium anodized oxide (AAO), under proper anodization conditions (voltage, pH, temperature, and etc). In order ...
  • PATRAȘCU, Adriana (Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2022)
    Rezultatele cercetării se referă la salarizarea lucrătorilor din sectorul agricol, la problemele de salarizare precum și lipsa forței de muncă în agricultură. Scopul cercetărilor este studierea cauzelor esenței problemelor ...
  • GHEORGHIȚĂ, Radu (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    Succesul companiei se bazează într-o mare măsură pe strategiile interne de motivare a resurselor umane. Un personal motivat va lucra eficient și va aduce profit, iar afacerea va prospera. Însă acest proces de motivare ...
    Development of National research and educational networking infrastructure and services is the basis of modern eInfrastructure components operation. The paper describes current state, development prospects of scientific ...

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