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  • Unknown author (Universitatea Tehnica a Moldovei, 2017)
    La UTM există o mare Orchestră de Fanfară – ,,colectiv-model” al RM. Este unică între colectivele universitare din RM. Fondată în 1975, orchestra a fost condusă mai bine de trei decenii de către regretatul dirijor Anastas ...
  • CHETRUȘCA, Dumitru; KULEV, Mihail (Tehnica UTM, 2018)
    This paper describes main featchers of the Android application developed by the first author and available on Play Market.
  • BIVOL, Ludmila (Technical University of Moldova, 2023)
    Mycotoxins are highly toxic substances that are produced by molds and can harm both animals and humans. These toxins can come either from animal products (milk, fermented cheeses, and so on) or from plants (cereals, herbs, ...
  • RADUCAN, Alina (Tehnica UTM, 2018)
    În articol este descrisă aplicația pentru administrarea BD MySQL - MySQL Workbench. Se va vorbi despre ce reprezintă această programă de administrare,o mică informație generală despre ce consolă oferă ea, despre migrarea ...
  • IОNЕSСU, Carmen Victoria (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2019)
    Teza de masterat în cauza este dedicata studierii conceptului de calitate și management al calitații în condițiile economiei de piaţa. În prezent, tot mai multe întreprinderi autohtone sunt interesate în implementarea unui ...
  • IОNЕSСU, Claudiu Соdruţ (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2019)
    Teza de masterat în cauză este dedicată studierii conceptului de management financiar în condițiile economiei de piaţă. În prezent, tot mai multe întreprinderi autohtone sunt interesate în implementarea unui management ...
  • РАВШАНОВ, Н.; СЕРИКБАЕВ, Б.; СЕРИКБАЕВА, Э. (Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2010)
    In order to analyze the functioning of the technological process of filtering with suspension, an adequate mathematical model and numeric algorithm were worked out and a computational experiment on PC was carried out. The ...
  • ПОБЕДИНСКИЙ, Виктор; ГОНЧАР, Александр; ИОЙШЕР, А. (Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2008)
    Methods and equipment to estimate the working capacity of milking units have been studied. In the paper, there are specified the requirements for performance attributes, structure and software of the milking equipment ...
  • СМЫСЛОВ, В.; ЯКУНИН, В.; БЕЛОЦЕРКОВСКИЙ, И.; ЯКУНИН, А. (Technical University of Moldova, 2015)
    A microprocessor controller (DAWTS-1) for the continuous collection of information from sensors (DATA-logger) and the wireless transmission of the received information (GSM-GPRS) to the remote computer user (server) has ...
  • ЛЮЦКАНОВ, Петр; МАШНЕР, Олег; ДАРИЕ, Григорий; РАДИОНОВ, Владимир; БУЗУ, Ион; АРНАУТОВ, Степан (Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2007)
  • MAGARIU, Nicolae; TROFIM, Viorel; LUPAN, Oleg (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2021)
    The invention relates to the technique and technology of oxide semiconductors, in particular to butanol sensors based on ZnO-Al2O3 heteronjunctions.
  • MAGARIU, Nicolae; TROFIM, Viorel; LUPAN, Oleg (Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi" of Iași, 2020)
    Invenția se referă la tehnica și tehnologia semiconductorilor oxizi, în particular la senzori de butanol pe baza heteronjocțiunilor ZnO-Al2O3. Butanolul se folosește pe larg în calitate de solvent pentru ...
  • IONIŢA, Vladimir (Tehnica UTM, 2013)
    There are times when it’s extremely useful to be able to pass some data between different programs running on the same system. For example, you might have multiple programs forming part of the same package, and they need ...
  • ZHANG, X.; CATHELINAUD, M.; LIANG, G.; CHEN, S.; DONGLOU, R.; MA, H.; CALVEZ, L. (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    Sb2Se3 is a non-toxic and earth abundant compound and has been extensively studied for a wide range of applications including solar energy conversion. This compound with an orthorhombic structure has an inherent anisotropic ...
  • IAKOVLEV, Vladimir (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    In this paper are presented several application aspects of nano metrology tools in characterization and fabrication of high performance long wavelength wafer fused VCSELs as well as for failure analysis. As long wavelength ...
  • NAYFEH, Munir H. (Tehnica UTM, 2015)
    A novel silicon nanomaterial was invented at the University of Illinois, and it has been investigated for the development of advanced photonics, electronics, energy and biomedical nano devices. We present in this talk ...
  • GRABCO, D.; SHIKIMAKA, O.; PYRTSAC, C.; BARBOS, Z.; POPA, M.; PRISACARU, A.; VILOTIC, D.; VILOTIC, M.; ALEKSANDROV, S. (Institutul de Fizică Aplicată al AŞM, 2020)
    The nano- and micro-indentation mechanical parameters of the AISI 316L stainless steel, such as nanohardness (НNI), microhardness (HMI), the Young modulus (E), the indices of plasticity (H/E) and resistance (H3/E2), and ...
  • PRISACARU, A.; SHIKIMAKA, O.; HAREA, E.; BURLACU, A.; ENACHI, M.; BRANISTE, T. (Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 2014)
    The possibility of Si texturing through the use of nano- and microscratching with subsequent chemical etching has been investigated. The influence of the scratching speed, orientation of the indenter (face-on, edge-on) and ...
  • HARTNAGEL, Hans (Tehnica UTM, 2013)
    Physical properties of nanometric particles are surprisingly different from volume effects, particularly regarding the semiconducting materials. Organic materials form a very impressive range of nanometric applications, ...
  • LUPAN, Oleg; MAGARIU, Nicolae; KRÜGER, Helge; SEREACOV, Alexandr; ABABII, Nicolai; RAILEAN, Serghei; ZIMOCH, Lukas; ADELUNG, Rainer; HANSEN, Sandra (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022)
    Permanent monitoring of lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in various environments, especially for safety and biomedical applications, is a growing field due to the high reactivity of the ...

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