Browsing 2012 by Title

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  • BALMUŞ, Nicolae; BALMUŞ, Ion; COJUHARI, Alexandru (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    In the present paper, the authors described the implementation conditions of the numerical experiments on a pendulum, suspension point of which vibrates (Kapitza's pendulum).
  • NASTAS, Vitalie (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    Paper contains some aspects of synthesis and analysis of the metrological simulators of floating impedance, suitable for using as the measures in impedance meters. There are presented two type of simulators for reproducing ...
  • POPESCU, Marinel (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    The problem of distance or position measurement using non-contact method and instrument it is current concern for engineers. Using this way is possible to verify dimensions and sorts the parts of plants after mechanical ...
  • BARANOV, S.; CHEIBAŞ, V.; COJUHARI, I. (Technical University of Moldova, 2012)
    The automatic control system for IEC-3/4R technological equipment of the gallium arsenide (GaAs) semiconductor structures epitaxial growing by HVPE method was elaborated. The aim of elaboration is increasing economic ...
  • ŢURCANU, Iurie; CORDUNENU, Alexei; GUŢULEAC, Emilian (Technical University of Moldova, 2012)
    This paper presents a software environment VMPNS for visual simulation of reconfigurable service-oriented computing with membrane Petri nets. It offers an intuitive graphical user interface for designing various elements ...
  • ZAVRAJNYI, Serghei; TIRON, Iurie; GRIŢCO, Andrei; STALBE, Andrei; NICA, Iurie (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    The multichannel temperature probe for studying the behavior of thermal fields is described in this article. As temperature sensors used Chromel - Alumel thermocouples. Thermoelectric each thermocouple (from 11mV to 13mV) ...
  • CANŢER, V.; ZASAVIŢCHII, E.; SAINSUS, I.; CONEV, A.; RUSSEV, Iu. (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    In this study, we argue that the power-supply system in the composition of spaceborne equipment plays an important role. This can be explained by the fact that all the components operate at extremely low temperatures ...
  • ХАХАНОВ, Владимир; MURAD ALI ABBAS; ЛИТВИНОВА, Евгения (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    Qubit (quantum) structures of data and computational processes for significantly improving performance when solving problems of discrete optimization and fault-tolerant design are proposed. We describe a hardware-focused ...
  • POCOTILENCO, Valentin (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    Errors in communication channels are the problem that can be solved on different stages of data live, from data generation and application to the communication channel on transmitter until decoding and analyzing on receiver. ...
  • ZBANCIOC, Marius; FERARU, Monica (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    In this paper we used the recurent fuzzy C-means algorithm in order to compare the centers of the clusters with the statistic parameters obtained from the input data sets. Based on the experimental results, the FCM ...
    Ferromagnet/Superconductor/Ferromagnet (F/S/F) trilayers, in which the establishing of a Fulde-Ferrell Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) like state leads re-entrance behavior of superconductivity, form the core structure of the ...
  • SIDORENKO, Anatolie (Technical University of Moldova, 2012)
    Very rapid developing area of spintronics needs new devices, based on new physical principles. One of such devices – a superconducting spin-switch consists of ferromagnetic and superconducting layers.The thicknesses tuning ...
  • BELDIGA, Maria; BRAGARU, Tudor; CĂPĂŢÂNĂ, Gheorghe (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    Summary of tests and evaluation for e-Learning are stages that require considerable effort and time from the teacher. In this article is described an original architecture for constructing the teaching supports with ...
  • DOROGAN, A.; DOROGAN, V.; MEREUTA, A.; SYRBU, A.; SYRBU, N.; VIERU, T.; URSAKI, V.; ZALAMAI, V. (Technical University of Moldova, 2012)
    Transitions hh,lh1-e1(1s), hh1,lh1-e2(1s), hh2,lh2 -e2(1s), hh3,lh3,-e3(1s) and the particularities conditioned by quantum dots (QD) produced on the boundaries of nanolayers and buffer layer had been revealed in reflection ...
  • PULBERE, Veronica (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    Radiocommunications is a major part of telecommunications. In given article are prezented the Radiocommunications industry development trends, their place in the telecommunications industry and their importance for ...
  • MIHALACHI, Svetlana (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    Today, decision making is more difficult. The need for decision-making speed has increased and there is more distortion of information. On the positive side, there is a greater emphasis on fact-based decision making. A ...
  • CATRUC, Mariana; MIRONIUC, Anton (Technical University of Moldova, 2012)
    Statistical testing and reliability analysis can be used efficiently to provide quality Web applications. To use this strategy was retrieve information about errors from existing access logs and error logs for Web. Usage-based ...
  • BRINZARI, Vladimir; NIKA, Denis; DAMASKIN, Ion; BELYSHEVA, Tatyana; TRAKHTENBERG, Leonid; KOROTCENKOV, Ghenadii (Technical University of Moldova, 2012)
    The thermoelectrical properties of indium tin oxide-based nanoscale films deposited by spray pyrolysis method have been investigated. Different metal additives were used to modify the electronic properties of the base ...
  • NICA, Iurie; POGORELISCHI, Leonid; MAXIMOV, Eugen; CEBOTARI, Valeriu; IAVORSCHI, Constantin; BOLOGA, Vitalie; NAHABA, Vladimir; ŢÎMBALARI, Emilia (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    A device for a procedure for preoperatively preparing patients with progressive drug-resistant fiber-cavernous tuberculosis also for treatment of other diseases, as lungs and other organs is developed. The device performed ...
  • PETIC, Mircea (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    The paper deals with the computational derivational morphology mechanisms which permit automatic acquisition of the lexical resources for the Romanian language. In this context, the possibilities of derivational sequence ...

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